The hunger and malnutrition situation in India is deeply concerning. Data compiled by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) reveals that India holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest number of undernourished individuals globally, accounting for one-quarter of the total. Beyond the nutritional crisis, India faces significant challenges in providing adequate sanitation and clean drinking water. A staggering 774 million people grapple with insufficient sanitation, and 76 million lack access to safe drinking water.

We are on a Mission

Nutrition & Sanitation

Ashwath Foundation’s vision entails tackling this challenge through a two-fold strategy, emphasizing both awareness and accessibility. Our initiatives are centered on enhancing community awareness regarding the paramount importance of adequate nutrition, particularly for children’s well-being. We conduct extensive awareness campaigns that underscore the significance of clean drinking water and the use of water purifiers, incorporating various behavior-shaping activities. Furthermore, we actively participate in hygiene promotion programs targeted at rural schools.